H-Etch Bond is a light-curing and self-etching one-component bonding system. It was created to simplify procedures. It can be used with all customary dual-curing composites. H-Etch Bond allows strong bonding of composites to enamel and dentin. Among the most popular self-etching systems, H-Etchbond is distinguished by excellent bonding strength values with 24 Mpa on enamel and 22 Mpa on dentin. Compare to: XP Bond (Dentsply), G-Bond (GC), OptiBond All in one (Kerr) Content: 1 | 5 ml-bottle, Instructions for Use
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H-Bond 5 ml H-Bond is an easy to use and light-curing single-component primer and bonding system. It is designed for strong bonding of composites, compomers and metals to enamel and dentin as well as on precious and non-precious metal. H-Bond is also indicated for impregnating root canals before filling or cementing root pins. H-Bond has been designed as a primer for indirect bonding restorations, e.g. ceramic, metal, and composite Inlays, Onlays, Veneers, crowns, and bridges, which are fixed with chemical or dual-curing cement (e.g. OliCem DC). Its strong adhesion to enamel or dentin is similar to glass ionomer base cement. Due to the methacrylate carbon acid ester, perfect biocompatibility and durable and strong adhesion force are ensured. H-Bond tolerates all customary light-curing composites. On the basis of ethanol, it is hydrophilic. That is why it can be used on slightly humid dentin surfaces with the 'wet-bonding technique'. In rare cases where a dual- or self- curing primer and bonding system is strongly reco mmended, H-Bond can become dual-curing by mixing it with H-Bond Activator at a ratio 1:1 the Activator is available separately. Content: 1 | 5 ml-bottle, Instructions for Use Compare to: Prime & Bond NT (Dentsply), Heliobond (Ivoclar/Vivadent), OptiBond Solo Plus (Kerr)
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Light-curing adhesive system type Prime/Bond provides a strong bond of all composite materials to dentin and enamel. On its own, H-Bond is designed for light-cured materials, but when combined with H-Bond Activator, it changes into chemically or dually-curing system, which is perfect for the root canals. It might be also used with chemically and double-cured materials. Compare to: SelfCure Activator (Dentsply), Dual Cure Activator (Pentron/Jenerix), OptiBond Solo Plus Activator (Kerr) Content: 1 bottle 5 ml
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HeyTec Adhesive fluid tray adhesive for all silicone impression materials. Thin layer provides a strong bond and therefore reliable and precise impressions Compare to: Universal Adhasive (Heraeus Kulzer) Package contents: 1 | 10 ml HeyTec Adhesive and accessories
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