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HeyTec Cem SE 5 ml

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Numer produktu: HE031TR
Informacje dot. produktu "HeyTec Cem SE 5 ml"
HeyTec Cem SE is a self-adhesive dual-cure luting cement for permanent cementations. When HeyTec Cem SE is used, conditioning and bonding of the tooth structure are not necessary. ETCHING, PRIMING, BONDING, DESENSITISING AND CEMENTATION IN JUST A SINGLE WORKING STEP ...the latest generation of cement! Compare to: SpeedCEM (Ivoclar Vivadent), MaxCem Elite (Kerr), G-Cem (GC) Content: 1 | syringe | 5 ml, 5 | mixing tips LONG, 5 | mixing tips SHORT, 5 IOT LONG, Usermanual  

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