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HeyTec Mono-X 380 ml

Informations sur le produit "HeyTec Mono-X 380 ml"

HeyTec Mono-X is a specially designed MaxiMIX impression material of high shore hardness and a high viscosity consistency based on addition curing vinyl silicones.  HeyTec Mono-X shows great hydrophilic properties and thus improved wettability. Hydrophilic a-silicone impression material for crowns, bridges, functional and situation impressions, especially in implants. Initial flowability allows for an easy application on the preparation area | implant transfers, and the final hardness provides stability of the impression. Consistency:heavy Color:aubergine Linearshrinkage:<0.1% Mixingtime:notapplicable Processingtime:2:00min Curingtime(inthemouth):<3:00min Finalhardness:approx.70shoreA Standard:ISO4823,Type1 Compare to:  Aquasil Ultra Mono (Dentsply), Flexitime Monophase (Heraeus Kulzer), Honigum Mono (DMG) Package contents: 1 | 380 ml HeyTec Mono-X MaxiMIX cartridge and 10 | mixing tips

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