Champions (R)Evolution Accessories
Gingiva-Clix, +1/+1| Material: Win! Win! PEEK
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Gingiva-Clix, +1/+3| Material: Win! Win! PEEK
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Gingiva-Clix, +1/+5| Material: Win! Win! PEEK
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Gingiva-Clix, +2/+1| Material: Win! Win! PEEK
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Gingiva-Clix, +2/+3| Material: Win! Win! PEEK
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Gingiva-Clix, +2/+5| Material: Win! Win! PEEK
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Provi-Clix 0°| Material: Win! Win! PEEK The Provi-Clix, which is set on the Gingiva-Shuttle, can be easily connected to the temporary restoration
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Provi-Clix 15°| Material: Win! Win! PEEK The Provi-Clix, which is set on the Gingiva-Shuttle, can be easily connected to the temporary restoration
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Try-In Abutments
Planning Guide 15° GH2-1 For the dental laboratory to easily determine the final abutment angle and gingival height.
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Planning Guide 15° GH3 For the dental laboratory to easily determine the final abutment angle and gingival height.
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Planning Guide 15° GH5-4 For the dental laboratory to easily determine the final abutment angle and gingival height.
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Planning Guide 22.5° GH2-1 For the dental laboratory to easily determine the final abutment angle and gingival height.
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Planning Guide 22.5° GH3 For the dental laboratory to easily determine the final abutment angle and gingival height.
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Planning Guide 22.5° GH5-4 For the dental laboratory to easily determine the final abutment angle and gingival height.
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Planning Guide 30° GH2-1 For the dental laboratory to easily determine the final abutment angle and gingival height.
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Planning Guide 30° GH3 For the dental laboratory to easily determine the final abutment angle and gingival height.
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Planning Guide 30° GH5-4 For the dental laboratory to easily determine the final abutment angle and gingival height.
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Prosthetic Driver
Shuttle Extractor
Shuttle Extractor Working length: 20 mm
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Shuttle Extractor long Working length: 25 mm
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Rescue Tool
Laboratory Shuttle Non-Sterile packaged| Material: Titanium grade 5
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Gingiva-Shuttle Sterile packaged Material: Titanium grade 5
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