exoCAD Individual modules & Updates
Design implant based restorations With the Implant Module for DentalCAD, you can directly design screw-retained crowns and bridges as well as custom abutments. Even designing abutment and suprastructures in one single CAD session is possible. Angulated screw channels are supported as well. With Implant Module, the choice is yours! Either mill in-house or send out your files for production. The add-on module supports a wide range of in-house milling systems. In addition, leading production centers will accept files generated by exocad software.
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Nesting Module Upgrade (incl. In-CAD Nesting)
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In-CAD Smile Design Create added value with Smile Creator – exocad’s innovative In-CAD smile design solution for predictable esthetic smile makeovers. Integrated into the DentalCAD platform, Smile Creator empowers you to reliably create prosthetically feasible esthetic designs thanks to our innovative 2D/3D technology. By combining patient photos, outlines and 3D situations, esthetic relationships between teeth, smile and face can be evaluated. Patient photos are automatically converted to 3D objects, which are then matched to the 3D scans of the teeth. This offers dentists and dental technicians a realistic perspective for a restorative treatment plan. In addition to greater control over the outcome, this improves communication between dental labs, dentists and patients. Thanks to its guided workflows and extensive features, Smile Creator is an intuitive, yet powerful digital planning solution for cosmetic dentistry. mandatory combination product Smile Creator only works in combination with TruSmile. As part of the ordering process, we check whether you already have TruSmile on your selected license. If not, TruSmile is automatically added to the shopping cart.
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Create eggshell temporaries from pre-op scans Produce temporary crowns and bridges using the eggshell technique prior to your patient’s visit. exocad‘s Provisional Module enables you to create temporaries based on the patient‘s pre-operative anatomy. Alternatively you can create the provisional crown or bridge by using the tooth library. Then make fine adjustments using an extensive suite of freeforming tools. New tooth morphologies can be clinically evaluated within the module, thereby helping you reduce chair time.
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Tooth Library ZRS Wiedmann Upgrade
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xSNAP is an add-on module for the exocad Model Creator.
It is a printable articulator available in versions of 15°, 25°, 35°, and 45° and with 2 incisal plates (flat and in a 30°angle)
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Simulate jaw movement and consider dynamic occlusion exocad’s Virtual Articulator allows you to consider dynamic occlusion when designing any restoration with occlusion. The positioning of stone models within the physical articulator can be precisely transferred into the software – with the aid of a scanner that supports virtual articulation as well – to achieve perfect patient-specific results. Parameters such as condylar angle, bennet angle and immediate side shift can be adjusted as in a physical articulator. To import jaw motion data from 3rd party measurement devices, the Virtual Articulator module can be combined with the Jaw Motion Import module.
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Model Creator Module Upgrade
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Create physical models from digital impression scans exocad’s Model Creator module helps you create physical models from intra-oral scan data or impression scans. Both the design of models with detachable segments (using premanufactured bases) and the design of monolithic models (where the prepared die is either removable or a separate check die) are supported. Combined with our Implant Module, Model Creator enables you to create models with lab analogues and removable gingiva masks.
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Design night guards With exocad’s BiteSplint Module, you can design high-quality therapeutic night guards quickly in just a few steps. Thanks to its easy-to-use customization tools and its intuitive workflow that guides you through the design process, producing bite splints is efficient and profitable. The add-on module‘s extensive functionality allows you to virtually adjust the occlusion and remove undesirable interferences. You can also smooth and morph the surface of your night guards individually or select the option for automatic flattening of the posterior occlusal surface. Heighten patient satisfaction and brand identification of your design by adding your logo and text. We recommend using a combination of both Bite Splint Module and Virtual Articulator for optimal results.
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Full Denture Module Upgrade
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Realistic rendering of dental restorations exocad’s TruSmile Module provides near photorealistic rendering of dental restorations – in real-time during the design process. In addition to providing a “What You See Is What You Get” user experience, TruSmile is also a powerful marketing tool for you and your customers, e.g. to help convince a patient to opt for a ceramic restoration instead of a metal crown.
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Extensive library of beautiful natural teeth exocad DentalCAD can be enhanced with tooth libraries. For those who prefer an even wider choice, exocad’s add-on module Tooth Library provides an additional extensive library of beautiful natural teeth including 61 sets of upper-arch anterior teeth, 19 sets of lower-jaw anterior teeth, 19 sets of upper-arch posteriors and 19 sets of lower-jaw posteriors. The add-on module is the perfect esthetic base for your restorative designs with its vast tooth libraries. You can easily and individually make adjustments to all predefined teeth for maximum flexibility. All library teeth are fully anatomical and reproduced according to natural morphologies for optimum results.
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Virtual Articulator Module Upgarde
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Smile Creator Module Upgrade
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In-Cad Nesting Module Upgrade
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Design removable partial denture frameworks With the partial framework module PartialCAD, exocad provides you with a digital solution for designing high-quality removable partial denture frameworks. Apply advanced design and customization features for meshes, major connectors, clasps, lingual aprons and finish lines. Enjoy the highest design flexibility offered by PartialCAD’s extensive features and functionality for l-bar retainers, post design with retention and auto-relief for optimal fit. With this module, you can combine partial frameworks with crown and bridge design elements and create support bars for printing. In addition, partial framework customizations with logos and text are possible.
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xSNAP is an add-on module for the exocad Model Creator.
It is a printable articulator available in versions of 15°, 25°, 35°, and 45° and with 2 incisal plates (flat and in a 30°angle)
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Place designs into suitable milling blanks exocad‘s add-on module In-CAD Nesting helps you quickly place restorations into milling blanks during your design process. Interactively place single- or multi-unit restorations in a suitable milling blank. Create reliable outcomes by exporting the information for further processing in CAM software. In combination with the TruSmile add-on module, you can easily adjust the position and shading of your restoration in a multi-layered blank – in the context of its adjacent teeth.
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DICOM Viewer Module Upgrade
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Create eggshell temporaries from pre-op scans Produce temporary crowns and bridges using the eggshell technique prior to your patient’s visit. exocad‘s Provisional Module enables you to create temporaries based on the patient‘s pre-operative anatomy. Alternatively you can create the provisional crown or bridge by using the tooth library. Then make fine adjustments using an extensive suite of freeforming tools. New tooth morphologies can be clinically evaluated within the module, thereby helping you reduce chair time.
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Digital design of full dentures Our FullDenture Module provides a guided workflow for designing highly esthetic full dentures. Model analysis can be performed digitally. The results will drive an automatic full-arch tooth setup suggestion. FullDenture Module supports different type of production processes, including two-step-milling, printed denture bases and monolithic printed dentures (e.g. for try-ins). Take maximum advantage of the digital revolution in denture production!
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exocad DentalCAD Base Module Upgrade
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Create eggshell temporaries from pre-op scans Produce temporary crowns and bridges using the eggshell technique prior to your patient’s visit. exocad‘s Provisional Module enables you to create temporaries based on the patient‘s pre-operative anatomy. Alternatively you can create the provisional crown or bridge by using the tooth library. Then make fine adjustments using an extensive suite of freeforming tools. New tooth morphologies can be clinically evaluated within the module, thereby helping you reduce chair time.
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Import jaw measurements from devices The Jaw Motion Import module allows you to import jaw movement registration data from external devices such as the JMA system from Zebris. The add-on module works in combination with the Virtual Articulator module. For experts: combine with Model Creator to create innovative, semi-dynamic physical models. mandatory combination product Jaw Motion only works in combination with the Virtual Articulator. As part of the ordering process, we will check whether you already have the Virtual Articulator on your selected license. If not, the Virtual Articulator will automatically be added to the shopping cart.
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Visualize voxel CT data during the design process exocad’s DentalCAD platform includes an optional DICOM Viewer* that allows you to visualize voxel data from CT machines during the design of dental restorations. Get enthused about the high-speed processing of large CBCT files. Driven by optimized data handling algorithms and snappy graphics rendering, the DICOM Viewer provides market-leading DICOM loading and visualization speeds. *Note : DICOM Viewer is not for diagnostic/medical purposes.
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Create eggshell temporaries from pre-op scans Produce temporary crowns and bridges using the eggshell technique prior to your patient’s visit. exocad‘s Provisional Module enables you to create temporaries based on the patient‘s pre-operative anatomy. Alternatively you can create the provisional crown or bridge by using the tooth library. Then make fine adjustments using an extensive suite of freeforming tools. New tooth morphologies can be clinically evaluated within the module, thereby helping you reduce chair time.
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Advanced bar design for both standard and complex bars exocad’s Bar Module allows both fast and easy realization of standard dental bars as well as advanced complex bar designs. The bar is designed considering the shape and position of full anatomical restorations. Attachments or retentions can be added to the design; cylindrical holes or even arbitrary geometries can be cut out to bolt or glue pre-fabricated attachments onto the bar. An extensive library of pre-defined editable bar profiles allows you to efficiently meet your customers expectations. Thanks to its elaborate range of options, exocad’s Bar Module allows you to design dental bars that solve complex clinical situations gracefully while providing maximum comfort for patients.
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Nesting Module (incl. In-CAD Nesting)
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